Naałkh DeAsis
Naałkh has been a summer intern at NorthWind for six years and is pursuing a Masters in Architecture at the University of Kansas. Passionate about projects that involve the Tlingit culture, Naałkh hopes that his work will help the culture grow and improve the lives of the many native families in the region. Naałkh is planning to work on design focused projects that help materialize the Tlingit culture in different ways in the community. He is also interested in pursuing sustainable tribal housing that aligns with tribal lifestyles. This includes helping to reduce carbon footprints, taking advantage of solar opportunities, and designing homes that work for large families and subsistence lifestyles. His dream is to remodel all the Clan houses in Angoon so that they are liveable again.
Naałkh’s other Tlingit name is Kéet Yanáayi. He is Dakhl’aweidi from Keet Hít out of Angoon, where his family originates from. His father is T’akdeintaan from Hoonah, his grandfather is L’uknax.ádi from Yakutat, and his outer shell is Deisheetaan from Angoon.
Naałkh loves singing and dancing with the Yaaw Teiyi Dancers of Juneau and traveling with them all over the U.S. to perform at different conferences and events. When not at Northwind, Naałkh can be found hanging out with his friends and family, tutoring students in math with the Navigators program, and learning as much as he can about the Tlingit culture from his uncle.